Christian Rehab

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“Christian Rehab” is a faith-based addiction recovery approach that utilizes many tenets of the religious principles found within Christianity. However, as Christianity is an umbrella term for a wide range of faiths, there is no one way to create or use a Christian-based recovery program. 

Faith-based addiction recovery is utilized around the world and has become extremely popular especially in the United States. The following sentence helps to encapsulate the philosophical principles behind this approach. Christ is the base of the entire treatment plan, and the goal is to strengthen the spiritual foundation so that the patient can maintain their sobriety.”1

Christian Rehab Counceling


Christian Rehab, or faith-based addiction recovery founded in Christian principles is primarily for people of the Christian faith. However, this does not imply that people of other faiths are not welcome. Yet it’s absolutely essential for anyone who chooses this form of addiction recovery, that there will be a foundation in Christianity throughout the process. This implies the following:2 

  • Christ-centered sober living arrangements – in these sober homes, individuals receive the comfort and support of a faith/Christ-based environment. 
  • Faith-based support – The premise here is to empower spiritual growth, and encourage a stronger relationship with Christ.
  • Christian mentors – Individuals who choose Christian rehab will have the opportunity to work with mentors with whom they share similar beliefs, values, and spiritual goals. 
  • The healing power of Christ’s love -  Similar to above, people in Christian rehab believe in the power of faith and the love of Christ to guide them through their recovery and into a life of sobriety. 

Another primary principle in Christian rehab is the overall belief in the power of God to help them find the strength to hear their lives. Their faith in God is a form of healing for them not just in recovery but throughout their life.





The primary population for Christian rehab is people of the Christian faith. It is valuable to note, however, that not all of these people may necessarily be devoted to a Christ-centered life. Some are, but some may be individuals who wish to turn their lives over to a faith-based lifestyle with its foundation in Christian principles. There are many people who “find Christ” during their incarceration, and/or in the recovery process. 

In addition to a Christian rehab, there are also “Christ-centered” recovery programs that welcome people of all faiths. However, they make it clear from the start that this is a program based on a belief in Jesus Christ. Here is an excellent synopsis of this approach: “We approach addiction and mental health issues from a spiritual perspective and are a fully integrated faith-centered program in conjunction with evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.”3


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